If true, this hallway may have [[Rooms]] and Stairs that are not at the ends of the hallway, but are marked as FRONT. This is used by isValidBuilding.
false if you can travel both ways in this hallway. "forward" if you can only travel from the first to the last element of this hallway. "backward" if you can only travel from the last element to the first.
An array of all of the node IDs in this hallway.
Gives the directions to get from one room to another in a single hallway given the indices of the rooms in the hallway.
The index of the starting room
The index of the room to go to
When we entered this hallway, were we going straight (as opposed to turning left or right into this hallway)? (not applicable if isBeginningOfDirections is true; in this case, the argument is ignored)
Are these directions the first set of directions in the whole set of directions created in Building.getDirections?
Are these directions the last set of directions in the whole set of directions created in Building.getDirections?
The directions. Steps are separated with newlines.
The index of the room, or -1 if there's no room with that name
The index of the room in this hallway
The id of the "closest" node to the given room within this hallway
Generated using TypeDoc
This class represents a single hallway. The hallway may have turns, but if you need a fork, you need to add another Hallway to the list and connect them with 2 Forks.